09.01.2019 13:07


The Sport Society Lazio was founded in Rome on January 9th, 1900 as a Podistica Lazio Company; the foundation takes place on a bench of, in the Prati district, by fifteen young athletes: the best known Luigi Bigiarelli, Giacomo Bigiarelli, Odoacre Aloisi, Arturo Balestrieri, Alceste Grifoni, Giulio Lefevre, Galileo Massa, Alberto Mesones and Enrico Venier, as well the lesser known Guido Annibaldi, Olindo Bitetti, Tito Masini, Raffaello Mazzolani, Tullio Mestorino and Giuseppe Valle.

The plaque affixed to Piazza della Libertà with the names of the nine founding principals of the then Società Podistica Lazio.

In memory of the nine most important founders, on the occasion of the centenary of the association biancoceleste in 2000, a plaque with their names was affixed in Piazza della Libertà, commissioned by the then president of Lazio Sergio Cragnotti.

After its foundation, the Capitoline company slowly sees the disciplines practiced by its athletes increase (swimming, athletics and soccer were the first sections set up), thus becoming in effect a multi-sports club, which over the decades will become the oldest and largest in Europe.

White and light blue are chosen as social colors, in homage to Greece, home of the Olympic Games, in whose spirit the Lazio Fathers are inspired; the foundation takes place between the Olympic Games held in Athens in 1896, and the II, which was held in Paris in the summer of 1900. As a symbol, the Eagle is chosen, which, according to ancient symbolism, represents the figure of Zeus, main divinity of the Hellenic pantheon.

In the beginning, the club should have been called Società Podistica Romana. The name Lazio was, in fact, a makeshift option by the founders to avoid problems of homonymy with another polisportiva, the Società Ginnastica Roma (founded in 1890), already winner, in May 1899, of the Championship of Lazio football played at Villa Doria Pamphili. Another reason for the choice of the company name was the explicit will of President Bigiarelli to go "beyond" the city of Rome and embrace the entire territory of Lazio, so as to involve the inhabitants of the entire historical region in the activities of the new society Lazio.




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